

June 1st
Coffee Together/i>

(organised by Churches Together). At Jubilee Centre. 10.30am – 12noon. All welcome. Coffee or tea with home-made cakes. £2 - refills free. For more information contact Claire on clmap18@gmail.com .

June 6th
Balsall Common U3A/i>

2pm. St. Peters church Hall. Talk by Peter Walters entitled The Little History of Coventry. For more information contact the Speakers Secretary Vivienne Waterer or speakers@balsallcommonu3a.org.

June 6th
Balsall Common Memories Cafe - Coffee & Chat/i>

11.00-12.30 Balsall Common Library, CV7 7EL. Come and join us for a chat and a 'Cuppa'. Contact Christine on 07974140353for more information.

June 11th
Temple Balsall WI

7.30pm. The Old Hall, Fen End Road West. A game of boules, followed b drinks and nibbles. We are a small friendly group and we always welcome new members..' To find out more phone Beverley on 01676 535339 to get more information.

Balsall Common Memories Café

1.15-3.00 The Village Hall, Station Road, CV7 7FF. Bug Making, Jigsaws and Games. Contact Christine on 07974140353 for more information.

June 16th
Balsall Common Lions Club

White Horse Balsall Common. Charity Quiz Night. Check website and social media for details.

June 26th
Berkswell & District History Group

2pm for 2.15pm. Village Hall. 'Country Bygones', A presentation by Robert Manton. Rural and domestic artifacts and their uses. For members of the History Group, entrance is covered by their annual contributions' for visitors there is a £5 charge.

June 29th
Balsall Common Lions

Balsall Hornets Junior Football Club. Balsall Beerfest!

Check website and social media for details.

Upcoming Shows