

May 2nd
Balsall Common Memories Cafe - Coffee and Chat

11.00-12.30 Balsall Common Library, CV7 7EL. Time flies when we get together! Feel free to drop in and see us. Contact Christine on 07974140353 for more information.

May 4th
Solihull Age Concern

Charity Skydive in Northamptonshire. For further information see the article in this magazine.

May 4th
Coffee Together

(organised by Churches Together). At Jubilee Centre. 10.30am – 12noon. All welcome. Coffee or tea with home-made cakes. £2 - refills free. For more information contact Claire on clmap18@gmail.com .

May 8th
Balsall Common Memories Cafe

1.15 -3.00 The Village Hall, Station Road, CV7 7FF. Singalong with Tony Sparks .Contact Christine on 07974140353 for more information

May 9th
Balsall Common U3A

2pm. St. Peters Church Hall. Talk by Steve Price on Advanced Motorists. .For more information contact the Speakers Secretary Vivienne Waterer or speakers@balsallcommonu3a.org.

May 14th
Temple Balsall WI

7.30pm. The Old Hall, Fen End Road West. Annual General Meeting and Resolutions, followed by a celebration of the 80th Anniversary of our Temple Balsall WI. To find out more information please phone Beverley on 01676 535339.

Berkswell PC Annual Meeting

7.30pm. The Jordan Room, Berkswell Church

Balsall Common Lions host their regular Prostate Screening Event.

The Stables of the White Horse, Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common.

May 18th
Berkswell & Balsall Rugby Football Club

End of Season Presentation and AGM.

Details at www.bbrfc.co.uk

May 18th
Balsall Common Lions Club

Prostate Screening Event. The Stables Bay of the White Horse. Put the date in your diary now. Balsall Common Lions are subsidising the cost of the Prostate PSA test which is available for £12.50 instead of £25.00. Check website and social media for details.

May 18th
Balsall Common Lions Club

St Peter's Hall. host PRIME NUMBERS – popular local band playing covers through the decades. Lions are hosting this special fundraising event to support the Prostate screening held earlier on the same day..

Details to follow on Lions website and social media.

May 23rd
Berkswell Parish Council Assembly

7.30pm. The Balsall & Berkswell Hornets, Lavendar House Lane

Upcoming Shows