

2nd November
Coffee Together

Coffee Together (organised by Churches Together). At Jubilee Centre. 10.30am – 12noon. All welcome. Coffee or tea with home-made cakes. £2 - refills free. For more information contact Claire on clmap18@gmail.com .

7th November
Balsall Common Memories Cafe – Coffee and Chat

Balsall Common Memories Cafe – Coffee and Chat. 11.pm – 12.30pm. Balsall Common Library Join us for a coffee or tea and a chat. We'd love to see you. Contact Christine on 07974140353 for more information.

12th November
Temple Balsall WI

Temple Balsall WI. 7.30pm. The Old Hall, Fen End Road West. Christmas Crafts. We shall be making crafts under the guidance of member Sarah Beaman. Fancy joining us? We are a small, friendly WI and always welcome new members. Please contact Beverley on 01676 535339.

13th November
Balsall Common Memories Cafe

Balsall Common Memories Cafe. 1.15pm – 3pm. The Village Hall, Station Road. Poppy Windmills and Singalong with Tony Sparks. Contact Christine on 07974140353 for more information.

27th November
Berkswell & District History Group

Berkswell & District History Group. 2pm for 2.15pm. Village Hall. A presentation by Steve Dimmer entitled 'Yule be surprised! Why Christmas is Christmas.' This light hearted presentation will inform and delight. There will also be seasonal refreshments. For members of the History Group, entrance is coveted by their annual contributions' for visitors there is a £5 charge.

Upcoming Shows